Aulas Alternativas for The Technological University of Pereira (UTP)
An extension of the existing steel & concrete college premises, Architect Roger Martínez was in charge of the Construction Document and Administration of this Bamboo structured NB, originally designed by Architect Orlando Muñoz. We provided support on the development and presentations.
"... its execution is carried out directly by the Planning Office of the UTP with the accompaniment of the Cleaner Production Center, it represents an investment of 2.5 billion pesos, comprising 20 classrooms, fully equipped for meet the expectations of growth in the demand for quotas that UTP has.The guadua, recognized worldwide as natural steel, has already been used in a work with national recognition on the UTP campus, the Guaducto located between the Environmental Administration and Fine Arts block. This, together with the modules and other projects carried out on campus, are part of the objective of turning the institution into a Green Campus."
- Rosmira de J. Corro, for the UTP.

Client: Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira
Location: 27 St. #10-02, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia
Phase: Built
Construction Area: 21,313 SF
Cost: $635K